Thursday, June 22, 2017

Nashville - Long Branch Camping again!

My, my, my!  It's been at least 8 years since we camped here with our old Pop-Up camper.  We have so many fond memories of camping here with Brilynn & Eli.  They were so excited because we could stop on the Center Hill Dam & use the bathroom before settling in at the campground.  It wasn't that the bathroom was anything special.....they could call it the dam bathroom & get away with it.  We had tons of laughs watching them grow up during these yearly trips to this wonderful campground.  Our boat was handy & nearby at Center Hill Marina.  We always thought that we would one day build on our lot we own in Cove Hollow Bay but that dream is beginning to fade as our life's journey is constantly changing. was surreal to stay here again with our 40 ft fifth wheel.  We felt kind of silly staying here in a large unit like that but we were so surprised.  Times are a changing & most people had large rigs.  I think we only saw one pop-up in the entire park.  More & more families are enjoying camping as their vacation.  We really enjoyed our 2 week stay again in this park with all of memories around us.  

 Our favorite thing to do in the evening - a little Hand & Foot!

 Best way to celebrate the 4th of July - Smithville National Fiddler's Jamboree!

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