Thursday, July 27, 2017

Mount Rushmore!

When sculptor Gutzon Borglum looked upon the knobby, cracked face of Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills of South Dakota, he saw a vision of four United States Presidents carved into the mountain.  Between 1927 & 1941, with the help of over 400 workers & several influential politicians, he began carving a memorial to the history of America. 

I visited this in 1964 & it still amazes me.  How could they actually carve this on a mountain?  The monument is still the same but all the buildings and crowds around it differ from the quietness of the times when I first saw it.  Now there are parking garages & attendants everywhere, gift shops, restaurants & so much more.  It almost takes away from the magnitude of this display.  I tried to shut it out and capture those memories from when I was a little girl who marveled at the faces on this mountain top. 

Ha Ha!

Our friends Debbie & Rick from Gulf Waters RV Resort met up and stayed at our campground.  It was nice seeing a familiar face after being on the road so long. 

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