Thursday, May 16, 2013

Kiawah Beachwalker Park, SC

I am realizing that I need to start researching areas before we visit.  I know...what a novel idea!  What is wrong with me that I didn't visit valid websites like Trip Advisor & Charleston, SC homepage before arriving here?  This is all a learning process for us.  We are used to camping once or twice per year in the same campgrounds.  This is different, of course and something we need to get used to and prepare for.  

Today, we visited our 3rd beach in the Charleston area - Kiawah Beachwalker Park.  The ride to the beach was amazing, especially touring down Bohicket Road.  Huge antebellum oak trees were hovering over this extremely narrow road which was busy with traffic in both directions.  I understand though why they keep it this way.  It would be a shame to cut down these beautiful Oaks which have witnessed so much history in this beautiful area.  For now, I am just gripping the door and praying that someone isn't texting in the oppositie lane.

Beachwalker Park is our favorite beach area in the Charleston area.  The facilities are very well kept and boardwalk to the beach looks brand new.  Even though we drove through a beautiful resort area to get to it, it seemed isolated and away from civilization.  It was perfect!    

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