Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sista Arrives!

We were so looking forward to my sister Lori and her husband Daryl's arrival.  They live in the Charlotte, NC area and recommended this park for us to meet.  Lori and I are only a couple of years apart and the only siblings in our family.  We have a great time when we get together and just call each other "Sista".  Daryl and Dave get along great, too!  It is very important to spend time camping only with people that you can get along with.  Even more important is to only travel with your spouse if you can get along with each other at home.  :-)

After helping them settle into their beautiful site next to us, we spent the afternoon at the beach.  Dave did a little shore fishing.  He didn't do as well as the man next to us.  That guy landed a couple of huge stingrays.  They weren't all that easy to get off the hook either.  You would think that he may try smaller bait after catching his first one.  But, he was after a shark.  Really?  I didn't know that people fished for shark?  YIKES!

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