Sunday, June 23, 2013

Strawberry Cream

It doesn't get any better than just finishing up your supper and wishing you had something sweet.  Just about then, a neighbor stops by to invite you to have some home-made strawberry ice cream that they just made at their RV site.  OK....I LOVE ice cream!  Thank you so much!  I love it so much that I do not keep it in our home.  

What made it even more special was eating it in a campground with people that we only met hours before.  That's why I love RVing so much.  Everyone is so friendly. 

Sherry's Home-Made Ice cream!

3 Eggs
1 Small Can Evaporated Milk
1 Small Can Eagle Brand Milk
2 Quarts Milk (Sherry used 2%) Only 1 Quart if adding fruit
1 Pint Whipping Cream
2 Cups Sugar
4 Tablespoons Vanilla

Mix ingredients together in large bowl, adding fruit last.  Put in ice cream freezer and prepare according to your machine.  Makes 1 gallon    


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