Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Gulf Flash Floods

Weds 4/30 Gulf State Park

Finally.....we are on the road again!  It's been a long six months waiting for our seasonal job to end as it was extended six months.  We had such a great time last year in Gulf Shores, that we are heading there again. Our grandson Eli is joining us for the first week and a half as Dave wants to take him fishing on the largest pier in Alabama - Gulf Shores State Park Pier.
We left early and after a while on the road, we heard that they had 21" of rain yesterday. That's a crazy amount of rain in one day.  We had about 11" in 2010 with our historic Nashville flood so we were not sure if the State Park would even be open.  Thankfully, it was and we safely made our way through flooded streets to the park and landed a great site #138.
We set up camp and then enjoyed a quick meal at the Hang Out in Gulf Shores.  Eli and I ordered the wings and were among the best we have ever had.  Dave ordered a cheese burger which was nothing special but the fries were great!  Oh boy!  Here goes my healthy eating out the window! 

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