Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2, 2013 FISHING ST JOE

Upside Down Fish - Still tastes the same!  :-)

What a beautiful day to go fishing!  We headed out to Port St. Joe, about an hour away and met up with George and Kathy at Bluewater Outriggers to purchase bait.  I love this store.  I remember shopping here a few years ago while renting a beach house in Indian Pass.  Dave and I have plans to come back here tomorrow and do a little souvenir shopping for our grandchildren.  

We spent the rest of day out on the water fishing on George and Kathy's beautiful boat.  Since this is Dave's first year salt water fishing, we only purchased a pole for him and not me.  I am excited to join him and do my own fishing next year.  Right now though, I am content to be out on the water on this beautiful day and with such good company.

Dave hooked  a couple of Spanish Mackerels - both keepers.  Both met the minimum 12" requirements.  Then we moved out towards St. Joe's Bridge where George snagged his Red Fish.  Low and behold, he does it again.  George caught a 25" Red Fish.  Anything 27" or above must be thrown back in the water. Back in the water fishy.   Dave and Kathy try their hardest to bring some in, too but with no luck. It was a great day and so much fun watching George catch his the red fish.  It reminded me of our days fishing for Northern Pike in the Upper Peninsula in Michigan.  You need a net to bring it in.  That is fishing at it's best! 

We get back to our camp site and Dave is eager to fillet the fish and add to his other fish in the freezer.  He finally gets it filleted and mess cleaned up when George sends a message to him to "make sure you take the red part out".  Dave checks on line and not only was he suppose to get the red out but also leave the skin on, as Mackerels do not have scales.  Oh well....he's learning.  It's all part of our big RV adventure.  :-)

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