Saturday, April 6, 2013


We were thinking about heading to the beach today.  I mean really...what is better to do around here than head to the beach?  We had no other plans.  It's a nice day, so why not?

Our plans changed quickly when George texts - "Good Morning.  Didn't know if you heard about the airplane races today in Carrabelle!  We are going to head over and check it out after breakfast.  Planes are to travel faster than a cab driver taking an expecting mother to the hospital!!  RU interested in checking it out for a bit?" I say "Sounds good?  What time does it start?  He quickly texts back "No rush.  It started at 8 and goes till 5:30.  As a world wide event, I expect both planes will race all day!!  Let us know when you are done eating."  

Wow!  Who would not want to go watch planes race?  That is something we never done before.  I was a bit skeptical about how they would take off and race, especially here in Carrabelle.  But then again....there is an Army base here, so why wouldn't they?  Little did I realize that Dave was envisioning remote control planes, like we watch when we go to visit my parents in Vegas.  

George and Kathy pick us up & we head out to the plane race.  :-)   So, you can imagine our surprise when we find out that it is not a plane race but a local drag race!  What?  Hellooooo...??? We could have stayed for $10 a person.  Oh my goodness!  We got back in the car and could only laugh. When I say laugh, I really mean BELLY LAUGHS! Did we seriously think that we were actually going to  an airplane race?  Ha Ha!  

Since that didn't work out, we needed something else to do.  We decided to go to the Camp Gordon Johnston WWII Museum and are we glad we did!  It was an honor and a privilege just to enter that building and see all the artifacts an memorabilia on exhibit in this old high school building. A sweet lady showed us around and told us many touching stories of soldiers and events that happened during this war.  She had tears in her eyes when she talked about many stories and of her own father who had served in this war.  It became even more personal to us as Dave and Kathy's dads both served in this war, as well.

If you are in Carrabelle, please stop in and see this museum and pay tribute to all the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for us so that we could be free today.  It is a large exhibit and totally privately funded by donations.  She said that the museum and many like this are now in jeopardy as their just isn't enough donations to continue to operate them.  I highly recommend that you visit Camp Gordon Johnston WWII Museum you are in the Carrabelle area.  

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