Friday, April 5, 2013

April 5, 2013 TINY HOLES

Today started out as a cloudy, cold day but ended up sunny and breezy.  You never know what the weather will be like this time of year in Florida.  Even the Meteorologist on the local news station admitted to having a hard time predicting the weather.  You just go with the flow and enjoy each day, no matter what it is like outside.  Everyday is a good day!

I might as well do a couple of loads of laundry.  Dave is happily reading his book Killing Lincoln.  So, while I am doing laundry and folding my T-shirts, I start to wonder again about all the little holes.  What I am talking about is..."what are all these tiny holes in my T-shirts"?  I have had this issue for several years and have not figured out a cause.  The holes are always in the front by my waist/belly button area.  What is causing this?  Again, I set out to google and find my answer.  Why is it that we always go to Google to find the answer?  LOL!  OK...back to my dilemma.  

There are actually over 10 million posts on this subject and many suggested causes.  I checked out several and not one person has the affirmative answer. It may be caused by moths, my washer, seat belts, inferior fabric (I believe this to be true), granite counter tops, bugs, pets, baby carriers and the list goes on and on.  I am leaning towards the granite counter top theory.  After all, this problem started about 7 years ago when we moved to a home with granite counter tops. When I get back home, I am going to wear an apron when I do dishes and see if this helps.  Some people have even put clear packaging tapes on the edges of the counter.  I say...what ever works!  I am going to definitely give this a try. It only happens to knit t-shirt type fabric.  The photo above is a knit top from the Gap.  All three of my "Life is Good" T-shirts had holes in them within the first week.  What is that all about?  And these shirts are $30 a piece!  OK...actually, I paid $15 at TJ Maxx - my favorite place to shop!  :-)  But, even though they were a deal, I am tired of throwing away almost new clothing.  If someone has some insight into this, please let me know.  I will be forever grateful!

Another note to myself or for anyone planning to stay at the Carrabelle RV Resort is about doing laundry.  The washers are very small and dryers twice the size.  The first time I did the wash at $1.25 load, I used separate dryers for each load.  This time, I set the dryer to hot and dried 2 wash loads in 1 dryer.   It worked!  The clothes dried perfectly and I just saved $1.25.  :-)  Things like this mean a lot when you are traveling in your RV and having to do laundry out.  

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