Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 4, 2013 FEELING GUILTY?

What day is it today?  Seriously.  We do not know what day of the week it is. Ha!  That is truly saying that we are on vacation.  We love it!  Although, we have been feeling a little guilty for leaving our family for so long.  But, why? Both of our girls are in their mid to late 30s with families of their own.  They have their own lives and know that soon we will return and have our times together, like we normally do.  It's been good for us to get away and focus on ourselves.  It feels selfish at times but I guess that is a normal feeling.  

With that being said, Dave and I decided to extend our trip for 3 more days.  (guess we are not feeling that guilty!)  We see some 80 degrees ahead and what will 3 more days do, if we don't head home as scheduled?  It's a good feeling knowing that we still have a week of vacation left.  This has all been so much fun.  

So far, so good and no rain.  It was suppose to storm today, instead it is a nice partly cloudy day.  I went with Dave into town to check out the beach shop, Two Gulls Gift Shop.  After yesterday, I am now in shopping mode.  It's hard to stop. :-) Dave and I each bought a local T-shirt and a gift for a friend's birthday.  It's too cool to hang at the beach.  Dave went fishing and I headed to my computer to work on this blog.  As I said before, I am not a writer.  I am just glad that I have this adventure documented with pictures and words.

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