Monday, April 22, 2013

Juicing - Lasted 4 days!

Juice fasting for 10 days?  I doubt that I will ever attempt to do that again.  My goodness!  It was tough.  I mean....who really can go 10 days on juicing?  In the old days, you would go to the store and buy juice.  Now, you need a special juicer and organic vegetables are best.

Day #1 was the easiest for me.  Of course, I had just finished a six week RV adventure where I was eating all that I wanted.  It really felt good to stop eating that first day and drink healthy fruits and veggies.  

Day #2 was a little different.  It wasn't so much the hunger that was hard to deal with, it was the desire to chew.  I would be preparing vegetables for juicing and find myself going to put them in my mouth.  It is such a habit that I realize that most times I eat without giving it a thought.

Day #3 - awful!  Hello????  Why didn't someone worn me?  And....where is all the extra energy that I am suppose to get?  Besides, constantly feeling like I am now living in my kitchen juicing, I was so HUNGRY!!  OK!  They say by day #4, the hunger will subside.  We'll see.  

Day #4 - Were they kidding me?  This was definitely the worst day so far.  I just want to crawl into bed and put the covers over my head.  I'm so hungry that the cows across the street were making me hungry.  

I am not a big recipe follower and decided to throw veggies and fruits together without a recipe.  By far, this was the worst juice that we tried.  It totally ruined all of our efforts to even think about having another juice.  That was definitely the straw that broke the camel's back.  There was a slim chance that we would even make it 5 days.  

When my husband Dave finally confessed that he just had a piece of chocolate, I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a handful of almonds and a hard-boiled egg.  Do you think I was maybe a little low on protein?  I am so glad this fast is over.  I lost 7# in 4 days and wasted no time gaining half of it back two days later.  Will I do it again?  I think it is a great idea to juice and get many servings of fruits and veggies all in one drink.  For me....I will try to supplement my diet and make one juice a day.  :-)  


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