Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 7, 2013 DOG ISLAND

Shrimp Boat


Flounder!  Good Catch Honey!

Back side of flounder!

Beach Babes!  :-)

Today was a perfect day!  It was definitely my favorite day since leaving home. Thank you Lord for the many blessings you have bestowed on us.  This rainbow is a reminder of your beauty.  Just look at this beautiful sunny day - 80 and not a cloud in the sky!  George and kathy are nice enough to invite us out for a day on their boat.  Our destination is St George Island. 

St. George Island is a popular area for tourists.  Dave and I tried to camp at the state park but it was full.  The best part about going there by boat  is that you are pretty much by yourself.  This area of the beach is mostly accessible by boat.  We had the island to ourselves for the entire day.

The guys fished off the boat, while Kathy and I scoured the beach for shells.  I love to look for shells and so far I have not found a single shell.  Searching for things is my element and I especially enjoy looking for shells.  We walked the beach and started picking up small shells while wading through the crystal clear water.  It reminded me of snorkeling without having to have snorkels or swim. You could see everything on the bottom, including many different types of hermit crabs.  It was so amazing and beautiful.  

Then the shells started to get larger and one spot was just covered up with shells.  These were the biggest shells that I have ever found!  There were so many that we could not get them all.  We had bags full!  These beautiful shells were larger than my hands!  Kathy found a conch shell, too.  It was amazing!  I cannot wait to take these home to my grandchildren.  I plan to check out Pinterest for some art project ideas.

We ended this perfect day with a BBQ on the beach.  As it turns out, we could have spent the night on the beach, too.  That wouldn't be  fun, as the "No see 'em" bugs are vicious!  Those little tiny gnats must have big old teeth!  They just want to bite away at you. They remind me of a flying flea!  The bites are as bad as a flea bite. It is a good idea to bring bug spray with you, if you are out in the evening or late afternoon in Florida.  I recommend using Northwoods Bug Off spray.  It really works great!

OK....were you wondering why we may have had to spend the night? Well.....the tide went out and the boat was close to being a beached boat.  Not good!  Luckily, the four of us were able to get it into the water before that happened!  Close call.  Whew! was definitely my favorite day on this trip - beautiful weather, gorgeous views, plenty of shells, good food and great new friends!  Thank you Lord!

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