Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17, 2013 CORN BEEF & CABBAGE

What?  No sunshine?  What a dreary rainy day. It poured all day.  It was a great day to make a brunch which I call "slumgullion". This name was first coined by my mom when we would go camping.  She would put noodles, corn beef, soup and corn in a pan and cook it all up.  Try to make this dish at home and it just isn't the same. You have to make it while camping.  My brunch concoction was a mixture of eggs, corn, ham, potatoes and onions all fried in a pan with a little oil.  Dave cooks it all outside which is even better.  This was the first time since arriving to Carrabelle that we enjoyed a meal outside.  As soon as we finished, the heavy rain and gray clouds arrived.  

This has been a great day for Dave to take a nap and for me to get going on this blog.  I'm finally able to blog daily.  It seems like boring stuff as I write this. But I know that I will really appreciate coming back and reading this someday.  

Since it is Saint Patrick's Day, we signed up to go to the 3rd Annual Corn Beef and Cabbage Dinner.  Boy....and we are so glad we did.  The food was so delicious.  The corn beef was so tender and found out that they bake it all day in the oven. It's more tender than boiling it, like I usually prepare it.  We enjoyed it so much that we will make sure and sign up before we arrive again next year.

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