Sunday, March 24, 2013

March 24, 2013 PALMS

Everything always looks better in the morning and I have never been a quitter.
Plus, Dave encouraged me to continue.  He said "keep it simple Debbie and do it for us, like a scrapbook of our adventures."  He is right.  I cannot give up and I will continue doing it.  Maybe, I will be able to go back and recapture those missing days because of the pictures I have and maybe not.  It doesn't matter. I will continue on and be happy with anything that I can record of our travels.  It may not be every day or every situation.  I am still very grateful to God and feel incredibly blessed to be on this journey. 

Good Morning gorgeous sunny day!  FINALLY....a perfect beach day.  We love our new site at the edge of the resort.  There is a "secret" path to the beach...meandering through the trees on a pine needle path.  I stopped a moment to reflect and remember what a special day it was today, as I stepped over a palm branch on my path.  Today, is Palm Sunday.  Instead of going to church where we sometimes receive a palm leaf, we are surrounded by palms everywhere.  Yes, today is truly a beautiful day and I am so amazed at all of God's beauty around me.  

We were literally the only people on this part of the beach.  Most beach goers go to the public beach area, directly across from our resort.   The only negative with this location is that we are not close to the public restrooms.  But, we are still only a short walk back to our RV.  Besides, it seems like we are running back for food, drinks or something.  We stayed on the beach the entire day.  

Dave enjoyed a good day fishing, too.  He managed to reel in 5 catfish.  The last one was around 24".  I know that you catfish lovers are cringing right now.  In Michigan, we referred to them as suckers.  :-)  I worked for Cracker Barrel  and know how much everyone loves their catfish dinner.  It is probably a little different when it is farm raised.  We were very surprised that there are catfish in the ocean!

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