Monday, March 25, 2013


Wow!  What a temperature drop from yesterday.  At least, it is sunny...not a cloud in the sky.  Dave left for an afternoon of fishing, so I can work on my blog.  I am very content to sit here at my table looking out into the resort and watching people coming and going.  Sometimes, it is good to take it slow and not be going all the time.  This is a lesson that I need to learn when I go back home.  I am enjoying the peace and quiet right now and am also very happy that Dave is enjoying a nice afternoon of fishing.  I sure hope he returns with tonight's meal or we may be going out for dinner.  :-)

I think Dave was only gone and hour and wanted me to join him for a walk on on the beach.  He wanted to try out a spot that is popular for fishing a short distance from our resort.  We parked the truck down the street and walked further down the beach.  The tide was out pretty far and the ocean bottom was exposed with rippled sand and the sand was filled with various sea items.  Weird things....not sure what any of it  is though.  It doesn't really matter.  We are still having fun discovering new things together.  What a great day for a walk on the beach!

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