Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Dave wants to go fishing!  Surf fishing!  We decide to go to Bass Pro Shop and check out their fishing poles and gear.  It is kind of ironic to me.  Who goes into a store on their vacation to just check things out without making a purchase.  I mean, where else are we going to look?  It's not like we are at home and know all the stores and can waste the time to look around.   Bass Pro Shop's employees did a great job setting Dave up to be the world's greatest fisherman.  :-)  He has the pole now, lures, hooks, fillet knife.  What more does he need?  He is all set.  Oh and...he has a Florida license for one year of fishing.  If you are going to fish for more than a week, it costs less to pay for a year.  Besides, we may want to come back next fall.  

We leave the Bass Pro shop spending over $100 and wondering what we just did?  I guess Dave is going fishing.  I will be the photographer and can sit in my beach chair guarding all his precious tackle.  Yep!  That will be my job all right.  Someone has to do it, right?  Plus, I will get to help him eat all that fish after he cleans it and cooks it.  I can't imagine cutting up some slimy old fish and cooking fish has never really been my thing.  We kind of have an unspoken agreement in our marriage, especially when traveling.  Dave cooks breakfast and fish.  I will prepare lunch and supper, unless we are cooking outside. He is the outside cook.  And when we are traveling, we cook most of our meals outside.   So really....I like this RV adventure. I don't have to cook as much as I do when we are at home.  Oh yeah.

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