Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19, 2013 RV ADVANTAGES


Charlotte - "Girly Girl"  RIP
12/2001 - 12/2012
Another thing that I am really enjoying about this RV lifestyle is all the fellow RV travelers that we meet.  There are the "Snow Birds" - folks who travel from the north and head south for the winter.  Then there are (my envy) the "full-timers" who live on the road all the time.  The rest of us...well, we just want to get away when we can and not have to stay in a hotel.  

There are so many advantages to owning an RV.  After the initial expense of purchasing your RV, a night's stay is much less than a hotel.  Plus, you have your own bed and conveniences much like home.  You are literally 3 or 4 steps out the door and can quickly and easily spend time sitting outside.  Many people set up special outdoor areas to enjoy while at their destination.  

The above reasons are why we decided this traveling lifestyle. Plus, we wanted to be able to travel with our precious Shih tzu - our girly girl, Charlotte.  Unfortunately, she passed away in December - a month before we bought our RV.  We miss her so much and know that she would have loved our new fifth wheel.  She was such a good dog 

and loved to travel.  I take comfort in petting every one's precious pups.  Most folks who camp have pets and is another reason why this is a great way to travel. 

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