Wednesday, March 27, 2013


While having our coffee this morning, George stopping by to invite us out on his fishing boat.  We met George and Kathy while out on the beach this past Sunday.  Their home is in Green Bay, WI and are renting a beach home behind our resort. 

We left the marina by the city dock and headed out to Dog and St. George Islands.  The breeze was brisk but we still had a fabulous time with our new friends.  George's boat was custom built to his specifications.  We were surprised at how smooth the ride was considering the height of the waves in the ocean.  Even though the guys didn't catch any fish, we enjoyed sitting on the beach and taking in the gorgeous views and chatting and getting to know  each other.  

They have a gorgeous dog, Ruby - a Vizsla (Hungarian Bird Dog).  What an outstanding dog!  She enjoyed running after the seagulls and swimming in the cold water.  Ruby is a very loyal dog.  On the ride out to the marina, she kept her paw on George's side while he was driving the van.  They call her Velcro dog, because she is always attached to George somehow.   Spending the day with George, Kathy and Ruby was a very special time and am so glad that we met them.

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